Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yuma, AZ Nov. 08

Hello Everyone!!

This month has been a long one because Ed has been gone to Freefall jump school in Tuscon. I've been a single parent, but Kaden and I stay busy with playgroups and trips to town. This last week though, Kaden and I had the opportunity to meet daddy in Yuma with some friends of ours who ride quads in the sand dunes. We went from Friday to Tuesday, but it was a 5 hour drive, so it was nice to be gone on a long weekend. The friends that we went with also have young children, so it was good for Kaden to have playmates every day. We stayed with them in their 5th wheel trailer, and it was super nice. It was also really good to see Ed and for Kaden to have his daddy, even if it was just for 2 of those days. Ed had to drive up 3 hours, so he left Sunday night to get ready for Monday morning. Now, we only have one more week to go! That trip broke up out time apart very nicely. Here are some pictures from that week. Also, there is a great video of Kaden WALKING!!! :)

alright, so let me apologize for the blaring music in the background, but it's worth it to see Kaden take so many steps!!